Subpectoral to Prepectoral Implant Conversion in breast reconstruction patients:
An article published in May 2024 issue of PRS. discusses the increasing popularity of converting subpectoral breast implants to the prepectoral plane, which has shown to improve patient satisfaction and quality of life.
- BREAST-Q Survey:
Utilizing the BREAST-Q survey, the study assesses patient-reported outcomes post-conversion, revealing significant improvements in satisfaction with breasts, implants, and overall well-being.
- Primary Indications: Chronic pain, animation deformity, and cosmetic concerns are the main reasons for patients seeking implant conversion, with all groups showing notable improvements post-surgery.
- Surgical Outcomes: Despite a 22% complication rate, the benefits of implant conversion, such as alleviated pain and corrected animation deformity, outweigh the risks for most patients.
This study underscores the positive impact of prepectoral implant conversion on patients’ satisfaction and well-being, making it a valuable option for addressing issues related to subpectoral implants.